
How a Chin Implant Can Improve Your Neckline

If you struggle with a weak or receding chin, you might also have issues like a “turkey neck” and a poorly defined jawline. These problems typically worsen with age, as the fat pads in your face shift downward to accumulate beneath your jaw and your skin becomes loose and wrinkled.

Neck Anatomy

Your neck and chin’s unique structure involves bone, fat, and skin, all of which contribute to your neckline, jawline contours, and facial appearance.

Excess tissue volume along and underneath the jawline can create the appearance of an undesirable double chin. This submental fullness usually does not respond well to diet and exercise, which can be even more frustrating than the wrinkles and fine lines that develop on your face.

Chin Implant Surgery

Vancouver plastic surgeon Dr. Eric Pugash achieves chin enhancement by performing chin implant surgery, making a small incision under the chin or inside the mouth to insert the implant. In a consultation with you, he’ll discuss whether this technique may be the best way to help you achieve your cosmetic goals.  

He may suggest a chin augmentation to enhance other cosmetic procedures designed to enhance your facial contours, with improved symmetry as the optimal outcome. For example, patients with weak chins who request loose skin or fat removal will obtain better results with a balanced projection by getting an implant that makes their chins more pronounced.

A chin implant can correct facial asymmetry while adding definition to your jawline and profile. The implant consists of synthetic material shaped to fit your anatomy. Placing this device near your chin bone improves jawline and neck definition.

This implant can change your appearance by enhancing your neckline and possibly making your nose appear smaller, creating more balance. A weak chin could cause your neck to look heavier and unattractive.

A Chin Implant to Enhance Your Profile

Facial asymmetry can negatively affect your facial profile and beauty. As a facial focal point, the chin plays a substantial role in creating facial balance and creating a pleasant profile. For example, if your chin is too small, your undefined jawline will make your nose appear larger. In that case, a chin implant could be the optimal solution.

If you are wondering whether a chin implant will improve your profile, look in the mirror to determine if your chin extends to an imaginary line perpendicular to the tip of your nose. A chin implant could be the appropriate procedure to correct profile symmetry if your chin fails to advance to this line. Beyond improving your side profile, a chin implant enhances jawline definition and reduces the appearance of nose projection. 

For more information about chin implant surgery, please schedule a discreet consultation with Dr. Eric Pugash.