
Common Myths About Breast Augmentation and Lift

The decision to undergo breast lift or breast augmentation surgery is a personal one. As a top plastic surgeon in Vancouver, Dr. Eric Pugash understands that many women struggle with this decision, in part because of the misconceptions and myths surrounding the two procedures. If you are considering breast lift, breast augmentation or both, Dr. Pugash would like to help. In this blog post, he clears up some of the most common myths regarding the two procedures.

Myth #1: Everyone Will Know I Have Breast Implants

Fact: Breast augmentation surgery is performed with the goal of producing natural-looking, beautiful results. What’s more, modern implants look and feel more natural than ever before. If you choose to pursue breast augmentation you will have several implants to choose from, including the highly cohesive silicone gel implants, most commonly known as “gummy bear” implants. Many patients prefer these implants over saline and traditional silicone gel implants because they are designed to mimic the shape and look of natural breasts.

Myth #2: Breast Implants Need to be Replaced Every 10 Years

Fact: Modern implants can last well over 10 years, thanks to their strong and durable structure. Implants will need to be replaced in the case of a rupture or leak, but modern silicone gel implants will typically last 15 to 20 years. Some women choose to have their implants replaced because they are no longer happy with their implant size. If this is the case, Dr. Pugash will help you choose an implant size you can feel confident and happy about.

Myth #3: I Can’t Breastfeed After Breast Lift or Augmentation

Fact: Breastfeeding with implants is safe; however, the incision pattern used to place the implants may limit a woman’s ability to breastfeed. Some incision patterns are made close the nipple, possibly interfering with the milk ducts. If future breastfeeding is important to you, be sure to mention this to Dr. Pugash during your initial consultation. Dr. Pugash may suggest using a pattern that does not require making an incision close to the nipple or milk ducts. Breast lift or mastopexy may interfere with the ability to breastfeed.

Myth #4: Combining Breast Lift and Augmentation Is Dangerous

Fact: Not only is combining breast lift with augmentation safe, but many plastic surgeons recommend it! Frequently women have more than one concern about the appearance of their breasts. A combination procedure can resize and reshape the breasts for a fuller, younger-looking appearance. If you have small, deflated, saggy breasts, Dr. Pugash may recommend combining breast lift with implants.

Learn More About Breast Augmentation and Lift

Whether you are unhappy with your breast size, concerned about breast sag, or both, Dr. Pugash can help. He will discuss your concerns with you to help you make the right decision in order to achieve your goals. Schedule a personal consultation today by calling (604) 522-5199.